Hey All - I know this can be a complex topic, and I believe that Bitcoin can help give many people around the world the breathing room to make ethical decisions with their money. Oftentimes, people do things with haste and not in the best manner because they need to survive.
I know there are many cases where people compromise their values or ethics to make money. For example, certain families are completely starving and a dad goes into a convenience store to take some canned food for his family. This isn't right of course, but some may say in this case it is okay - or else the kids will starve since he didn't have the money at the time.
Other people I know invest in big tobacco, big gaming, big alcohol, big oil, big plastic, big clothing (so many bigs) - and they do so knowing it's bad for the environment, the individual, and the world - yet they continue to do it anyways.
I understand in a free market we should be able to allocate as we wish, but do you ever compromise your values or ethics to make money? I think many people would be vegetarians out there if they had to kill their own chicken and cow out there, so it may be people invest in something as long as they don't see the direct negative impact on others. A lot of the Tesla people tout we are so good for the environment, meanwhile, there is child labor in lithium mines in Africa helping supply the batteries for next to nothing.
I'm a free market capitalist, but I see many people claim to be upholding citizens, yet will compromise in a second to make a buck. The case can be made for everything, but it is an interesting rabbit hole to explore.
To be honest with you, values and ethics don't exist in today's world. Nowadays just try and do the right thing to others but don't expect them to do it for you. God forgive us!
If you dig deep enough, it always gets dark. Some people do things out of the goodness of their heart, not realizing the consequences of their decisions.
This is true, and something I am trying to get better at - as I always tend to lean a little bit on the pessimistic side. In reality, optimists tend to rule the world.
For people to be friendly is never a bad thing.
It really depends on the situation and timing. Feeding your children should be your first priority
Right, this is my thoughts on this as well. In these cases if I was the shop owner, I would do what I can to just give them the food.
If you think something is immoral, you should not do it. It’s that simple.
That’s not to say there aren’t morally complex situations that seem to pit your beliefs against each other.
The vegetarian thing is one of my pet peeves. I hear it often and I always want to reply “Do it then. It’s not that hard.”
A nice greasy burger, but only if I'm really really hungry.
I can give you some other examples from Britain. There is a welfare system here and most people take handouts from the government including the wealthy.
I call it matrix money but to be honest we still take it - my wife gets a child benefit payment to help with expenses for our children which helps and so I don’t begrudge her. Buts it’s still a moral dilemma.
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