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What's Up All - I know many of us look at this post stating once we know our passion, we need to go after it - no questions asked. Life is short right, we shouldn't keep waiting and waiting as time slip us by. Many of us have financial commitments, lifestyle choices, families, and bills to pay - so sometimes it is easier said than done.
At what point did you lean full-time into your passion? If you haven't yet, what are things that you are questioning?
For me, I love travel and Bitcoin. I am planning on using my vacation time to go to places and study the currencies being used, the economies and importantly if there are things that would set up these places for success with Bitcoin. Of course, I am studying Spanish right now - as I see many places in central/south America next to adopt. What is one thing that you would be excited to wake up and do every day, and wouldn't want to stop working on come 5/6 PM?
Bitcoin has completely ignited my drive to lean full time into my passion of playing football and on a broader scale, optimizing my health. Football doesn't pay for my bills and what have you, but I hustled hard for a few years when I realized that if I stacked sats religiously, Bitcoin would buy me time to be able to fully immerse myself into the things that I love doing. And that is what I have been able to do for the past almost year after quitting my job. I get to train everyday, fully focus on football, and have the time to just better myself, physically and mentally, which I know will pay dividends in the near future. If it weren't for Bitcoin I would not be doing any of this, playing football full time (without being paid to), writing on SN, and actually building towards creating a better and brighter future for myself, my partner, and my loved ones. If there is anything you feel your soul is telling you to dive into wholeheartedly, just do it! And if the circumstance is financial, then take a year or two or however many you need to stack as many sats as you possibly can so you can buy yourself whatever time you need to completely invest into your passion.
Keep traveling to your heart's content my friend! Traveling has profoundly benefitted my life and overall way of thinking so good on you!
Keep traveling to your heart's content my friend! Traveling has profoundly benefitted my life and overall way of thinking so good o Love to hear your story on this @BTCFC . I am always working to dive into things wholeheartedly. It took me my entire teens and twenties, but I am going whole heart.
69 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 18 Jun 2024
I go back and forth on this idea. If I were younger I’d be 💯 with pursuing my passion. But with a wife and kids I need to be a little more conservative. I might go into part time fiat-job, part time work on my passion projects like creating music, kids books, 3D printed designs, wood work etc. Also, spending time with the kids needs to be a higher priority than my passion projects. They grow up fast.
Then again I know that if I committed full time to these projects I could probably make about the same money as working a part time fiat job. It’s just getting the wife to agree!
I could have written the first three lines myself.
+1 for parenting
Bitcoin has allowed me to save more than I ever have. That savings stack creates stability. Stability creates a peace of mind. A mind at peace can create.
Before Bitcoin (BB) I could not obtain peace.
After Bitcoin (AB) I've slowly been pulling way (Part-Time) from my corporate job to make room for creativity. I take part in a film shoot this weekend! Wouldn't have known about the opportunity if I was still working full-time. Goal is to double my last years earnings at minimum or finally surpass 6 figures.
My passion is media and investing. I own a media company and plan to work for or own an investment firm. The freedom Bitcoin allows me to pursue m degree as well.
We should collaborate in the near future.
God bless,
Well in a way I already am. I post every day on my blog. I don’t know where it will lead me to , but I can’t say that I am not preparing myself for future opportunities lol.