You are changing the goal posts with every comment. First you asked when they invaded Europe. Then Western Europe. Then wars that led to World War. Facts don't seem to matter to you, but here are more of them countering yet more of your comments.
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Soviet Union was helping North Korea. Their enemy was South Korea. China also assisted North Korea. 1950 to 1953.
USA fought communist North Korea and China to save the stalemate for South Korea.
Your list of Russian aggression is idiotic for citing North Korea and China. Russia was helping North Korea!
I said Western Europe. You said Europe but you meant to say Eastern Europe.
I said Western Europe. You widened your goal post to all of Europe because you refuse to say Eastern Europe
Russia fought with Korea allied with N. Korea. This is true. You label the list idiotic for adding "north" to Korea. Are you conceding that the list citing dozens of other invasions and wars is correct otherwise? I am well aware that these include other continents besides Europe.
With China we have several conflicts: • 17th Century Conflicts: Resulted in the Treaty of Nerchinsk, establishing borders. • 1929 Conflict: Over control of the Chinese Eastern Railway, resolved through an agreement. • 1969 Border Conflict: A significant military confrontation, resolved with a ceasefire and later diplomatic efforts.
What they are doing in Ukraine is simply genocidal terrorism. It's disgusting and horrendous and your defense of them is indefensible.