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In the past, I stated that infocracy was the way now we actually live. Seems to be simple solutions about how we can democratize a lot of things and yet, today we're facing several crisis that is not product of out imagination. As a matter of fact, we have today one solution: bitcoin is the solution to one problem: centralized trust.
But in media we have a much bigger crisis and the ones helping to build solutions are exactly the ones who are destroying the democracy to turn in a self-censorship-stalin-alike system. Let me give you some examples of why should we continue talking about this, how Stacker News is a good antidote but most important thing at all: keep writing folks.

Why should we talking about this?

The lack of trust is real, as @TomK put it in previous posts, people don't read anymore news but public relations' memo of something or someone. The news was all about find the truth but today and thanks to themselves (the same media), people are trying to take alternative means of inform themselves about facts and opinions. The Global Agenda is not something that goes in conspiraccies territories anymore, it's real.
Anyone watching goverments trying to ban bitcoin in the past knows that agendas about bitcoin are written and central banks are talking about it. Today, the 6102 Executive Order takes the form of strengthen KYC-AML policies, enforcing use of one address to all our transactions and a big etc. Warren may be a clown but a clown with the power of being an asshole to give you bad experiences using bitcoin.

Freedom of speech is confused with say anything

In other days, when you have a revolutionary idea, the goverment sent their judicial-policial-military force on behalf of the greater common and killed anyone who thinks otherwise. Shifting one regime for another, they realized and specially after WWII that people shpuld have the freedom to say what they think about their goverments because in some extend, that is the equivalent to point it out some bugs and errors in the system we produce: democracy.exe.
Today, social media companies took some stalinist practices Coetzee wrote about it many years ago. When the newspaper companies tried to keep their social power over people and couldn't, goverment figured it out that they're not the target anymore but social media companies. How can they prevent or have partial control? Well, they establish lines, requirements, protocols to follow in order of not disseminate hate speech and on behalf democracy, they tell you that speak against COVID, against democrats, against (X) situation you're damaging the system.
So, how to enforce then to speak? Well, you can but don't speak of the system, tell people something, ask them what's happening, share your personal photos all over internet to be heard, speak of anything, speak with everyone...hell, even speak of things you don't know. The fact that you don't know sH1t about something is secondary, you just need to produce content, because your goal in social media and in this new system is to express yourself every day, night and even before you go to bed.

Why, you might ask dear reader, why people need to speak at social media platforms?

The answer is simple: you are the product. See, Meta, Google et all needs to sell ads, as today is their main income source. So, everytime you speak/write/share multimedia, they planning to put their ad above, int the middle of your content. The reward for you is that the more you speak, the better they sell but in return, they give you pennies. Also remember not to say anything they say is wrong, don't produce content against a certain line nor the music industrie, which we'll talk about it in the future. Speak badly and your content goes down, that's it.

Stacker News fixes incentives

Stacker News gives you different incentives to put your words and mouth in the same place. And it's because this place understand something: nothing is free. Yes, free speech here is allowed but free content? Hewll no. Say something has a cost and without the cost, companies abosorb that, giving them partial access to the desitions because they need to sell more, understand the algorythm is important. Here? We have territories and people put money to publish and sometimes expect the reward. You publish about technical analysis about some memecoin and nobody gives you two pennies and that's not an echo chamber, here we don't have time to read noises, we limite our times expecting to read something that help my life. Gambling doesn't count as something..healthy for example.
So, in summary:
  • Keep writing here, where reward and cost are balanced
  • Write long posts, here I am trying to make one and giving preference to those.
  • Stack sats. Be humble and keep learning.
this territory is moderated
This is one of the biggest problems we have today, separating the state and the large companies from mass media is not an easy job.
The problem is that hidden advertising takes many ways. That's why I love SN because here, your company can publish content and not hide the hand. Yes, you can put several fake accounts and stuf but it's easier to become honest and pay one publication.
People here prefer to play fair, at least that's what I believe, at least in the majority.
Today's media are controlled by a few large companies, often close to politicians or their parties, which undermines public trust and promotes a single narrative. Platforms like Stacker News provide an important antidote, offering incentives for quality content and promoting freedom of expression. It's essential to keep talking about these issues to keep democracy and transparency alive.
I fear for democracy. This system's cornerstone is the books and now people don't read anymore. Ironically1, we, the bitcoiners are the perfect solution for democracy.


  1. It's ironic because bitcoin doesn't promove democracy but decentralization, meaning a better alternative than other political systems. But that's for another post.
thank you for the post. the media crisis is indeed a mirror of the wrong path our society is on, the path to total control, brain control, mental torture and economic dependency.
The media does what ever it can to get clicks and views. That is what their performance is run off of. That's why you see some of the most obnoxious and messed up stuff being touted to the 10th degree. These clicks and views tie directly into fiat checks and bonuses, this incentive system needs to change.
That's why we call them 'Corporate shit of governments'. We have alternate media that will always be free. We just need to take this media jnside every house.
Freedom of speech isn't freedom of reach. Big companies being big isn't infringing on free speech. Just like small conpanies being small haven't had ther free speech violated by being small