Art is the highest manifestation of a culture.
The first art was body art, dance, song… then its a representation and celebration of life and its struggles (hunting scenes) in the sanctuary of natural caves and then finally art within architectural wonders and showing geometric shapes and perspectives of human design. Each example builds on the other but it’s never truly bettered.. just maintained and evolved.
The library at Alexandria, its papyrus secrets, was a classic centralisation of knowledge, vulnerable to attack…. In contrast traditional communities may by forgotten but their influence echoes through eternity.
Maybe Bitcoin is higher art..
Art is the highest manifestation of a culture.
and then each culture is interconnected, I can't tell you how much so-called Turkish art is "learned" from others 😂 but indeed it got maintained and evolved here.
Maybe Bitcoin is higher art..
👀 the signal within all the noise, self purifying?
All is connected..
Bitcoin as unchanging art.. it changes us. Interesting thought.
indeed, music to @DarthCoin's ear.