It started from a sh$tcoin and I guess whoever started it had a pretty high time preference as the block reward was done in less than 10 years. Then they hardforked a tail emission and everyone went along with it. When will it change again?
Bitcoin bought without KYC, coin joined and open a LN channel from it is good enough privacy for the vast majority of ,people. I do wish more would do this, but takes time to learn.
Who cares what it started from, it forked off and did it's own thing.
Yea sorry, you can't control who all uses a piece of software or not. That's FOSS. Most users decided to use the tail emission fork just like most users decided to leave the original shitcoin it was created from.
Dude most users are never going to manage inbound/outbound liquidity, deal with channel closures, synchronous payment, etc. That's ridiculous to expect that. Especially for lackluster privacy you would gain doing that. Ecash has more of a shot than that happening, but I'm sure you know the major trade offs with that.