DNMs are a subset of Black markets AKA the only permissionless markets that are relevant to Bitcoins value prop.
Afaik, most if not all DNMs use escrow which is not permissionless. DNMs regularly exit scam by allowing payments to go in but not out. So how exactly are DNMs pernssionless?
I'll give you a point about SN requiring permission but you're also missing some points which I don't have time or desire to explain. Maybe later.
You can pay vendors directly it's your choice to use an escrow. No third party can force vendors to arbitrarily reject your transaction like what can be done on white markets. No third party can stop you from sending your transaction to them like what can be done on white markets. Permissionless.
But multisigs are the next big thing for DNMs. Already starting to use them on Haveno, MoneroMarket, and XMRBazaar.
That makes sense, thank you for your answer.