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Hello everyone, Stackers, today I decided to increase my Zap a bit, so it occurred to me to ask when other stackers decide to increase their default amount of Zap? I would like to know when and why you do it, I think that the more SATS you stack the higher your zap should start to be, setting a limit if it is due as well.
Take a zap amount that you are comfortable with. Change some settings, so the zap doesnt double. Then you can click 2 or 3 times on post you really like, and zap only once on post that reply.
I already do the click-several times, and I will continue to do it with my zap increased.
Zap wisely... Sats are scarced. Your stacker votes do NOT represent how much sats you zapped. 1 sat = 1 vote. More sats2 in a zap are ONLY YOUR appreciation to that stacker, it does NOT give more "visibility" or appreciation.
I am not saying to not zap more sats. I am saying only to zap wisely. You will remember my words.
More sats in a zap are ONLY YOUR appreciation to that stacker, it does NOT give more "visibility" or appreciation.
Wrong, see my response here:
1 sat = 1 vote, 10 sats = 2 votes, 100 sats = 3 votes etc. (+ votes are weighted by your trust). So no, it's not enough to zap 1 sat if you think it deserves more (especially compared to other content).
I thought you already knew this 🤔
wrong algo. multiply sats should not be multiply of votes. That is a flaw in SN algo that could be manipulated.
Oh wow! I didn’t know this. Very cool!
This Jan n Feb, my default zap was 108 or 168, even 328 on one memorable night, because the zapping climate was strong. Any random article I posted regularly garnered me at least 4-5k worth of sats.
Then the zapping culture died down. These days, if I get 1000 sats on an article, I will give myself a pat on the shoulder. So my default zap dwindled down to 21 sats haha.
Recently though, I raised the default amount to 49 sats because I wanna stop being cheap haha. Also trying out a new way of thinking in which I zap to make others (and hence, myself) happy instead of trying to come out on the right side of the Daily Rewards. For comments that took a lot of time for the Stacker to write, I would zap 108 sats.
Yes, I intend to increase it to a point where it is still profitable for me, it is sad to see how the zap culture vanishes, I have also realized that those of us who zap are always the same, one can more or less intuit who is zapping by the amount you receive, many people are not zapping, I think especially the new ones.
It does seem like you can predict zapees…. a lot more people seem to be stacking than sharing….
You can always count on Sensei
I haven’t worked it out but I agree that generally zapping more is beneficial up to a point. I’m still experimenting with it.
I just increased my zap by 60%, I'll increase it over time, I think it's beneficial, the more sats you move, the more sats will move toward you.
I always leave my default at 10 but I rarely ever use 10. Generally 20-100 for comments and 50-1000 for posts.
Your zap is quite good, I want to reach those numbers, and little by little I will increase it definitively.
16 sats \ 1 reply \ @MB 16 Jun 2024
I think it depends on where you are on your stacker journey. I’m fairly new and started at the default amount (can’t remember what that was). I suddenly found I didn’t have many sats as I was fascinated by so many topics. I reduced my zaps to 10 but I feel that as a new kid on the block that 21 Sats to zap is a solid number which is my current default amount. I’m giving a nod to history along with being a decent amount.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I started with a zap of a few sats, then I went up to 10 sats, now it's 16 and soon I'll raise it to 21, then we'll see if I keep going up, I hope so!
Never did it. If content is more valuable than average I just press zap button several times
The question is: with time and increasing value of Bitcoin will you decrease your default zap?
It shouldn't decrease as long as a good zap culture prevails in SN, but who knows...
Let's imagine 1 Bitcoin costs 8 million dollars. Will you continue to zap 1000 sats?
For me at least, I keep my zap size at 21, but if there is a post I really like - or an engaging comment I will triple, quad or ocho tap. I'm not one to ask as I am super new though.
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I understand, my intention is to give away more sats while increasing my balance, which in the end rewards back to both the Stackers and me, so it's a Win-Win and that's what I'm looking for.
You are a person after my own heart!
It just so happens that my highest rated post #287074 is about exactly this.
However, I've adjusted my methods a little. Now, I keep an eye on my estimated rewards and spending on the leaderboard. If my spending is substantially below rewards, I make a point of zapping a bit more.
Shortly after I joined Stacker News there were a couple of big discussions encouraging people to increase the amount they were zapping. That's what kicked off my obsessions with trying to get it right and encouraging others to zap more.
This is what I wanted to hear, yes, I am also looking at the table now, to adjust my expenses, I think it has been a good option to increase my zap, I think I will continue to do it as long as the margins remain optimal, I want to be a Big Zapper!
In case it helps, I also wrote a post about specific zap values, so people could be more competitive zappers: #561854.
There is very much an upper limit, where zaps no longer pay off, but it's higher than most people think.
thank you! I'm going to read it right now
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withdrawing your cowboy credits? heresy!
Some people do apparently…
Yes, everyone has a way of looking at it, I guess many will be doing the same thing as me while others keep their zap static, anyway, any method is good, the important thing is to zap as much as you can!