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The US stock market's transportation sector share index is sending a clear message: things are going downhill! People are traveling less, fewer goods are being transported, which points to weak consumption following the inflationary explosion - all of which is reflected in the share prices of the 22 companies listed here that make up the sector. Anyone still dreaming of a soft landing at this point will be rubbing their eyes in amazement when this recession hits land and the artificial effect of the war economy, financed with the printing press, will be fading into a grey fog. This is a tsunami!
Yikes, now that is a sharp decline! The transportation sector historically has been an excellent signal for pointing out recessions! I believe we are in one, and have been in one since October.
You'd have to be blind not to notice the unusually bad press on Boeing, now Airbus (for Europe) too with their fake Aluminum deposits from China via Turkey. Not sure whether these companies are represented here, I'd shrug that all off and just say that the carnage lays square at the steps of Biden admin.
Yes #Bidenomics 101 crashed the US economy into a wall.
I've noticed something in my neighborhood that I keep meaning to bring up on SN.
On trash day, we've been putting out less trash for pickup and I noticed our neighbors are doing the same. That seems like a sign that our local consumption is down significantly.
I'm really curious if anyone else has noticed this.
Are You refering to 'luxury' goods packages? Here in Spain people clearly are reducing their spending. Restaurants have a lot less clients in the barrios
Not specifically. We don't have garbage bins, here. We just put our trash in really big bags and leave them out for pickup.
The norm had been two big black bags per house, now it's really common to just see one.
So anybody is saving the world rn? Less co2?