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Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Happy father's day ❤️
Happy happy father day
Happy Father’s Day Stackers!
Day 427 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
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alol was here
Its only 9 here, yet so dead. Everyone, jump over here and tell me your thoughts! #575499
Men have this innate need for respect. But also, they have to be able to earn that respect. Only when earned, is respect real. Otherwise it’s fake, and if it’s fake, then it’s like fake money - it ends up corrupting them.
"Man desires not only to be loved, but also to be lovely." -Adam Smith
that's correct👍
Quality time 🤠 11:11 PM, 15 June 2024, undisclosed location in the Estonian countryside https://image.nostr.build/954c0711a811d5172a490a718840a6161579d98fa609b77aa97bc917f44822dd.jpg
On this plane and who sits next to me? An idiot who still wears a mask. Can we ship these people to Rikers Island already?
There are perfectly legitimate reasons to wear a mask:
  1. May have been diagnosed with a contagious airborne disease (TB, Flu, Hantavirus, Legionnaires disease, etc). Perhaps he was protecting everyone he came into contact with, including you.
  2. May have an auto-immune disease or condition (on chemo e.g.) and is much more susceptible to things that a healthy immune system would easily fend off.
It is deeply concerning that you jump to conclusions and suggest imprisonment for something so benign as wearing a mask for reasons you have no clue about.
diagnosed with a contagious airborne disease
then he should stay home instead of going around infecting others
auto-immune disease or condition (on chemo e.g.)
the mask makes it way worse, recycling his exhales and growing bacteria and fungus colonies in the mask
It is deeply concerning that you don't question "authority"
This is somewhat true, people who wear masks for extended periods have shown to develope gingivitis compared to those that did not wear a mask
then he should stay home instead of going around infecting others
So you acknowledge that airborne diseases can infect others. Wow. There is hope for you yet.
the mask makes it way worse, recycling his exhales and growing bacteria and fungus colonies in the mask
This is pure bullshit. When you are getting surgery, insist that the surgeon and medical team take off their masks, for their own safety.
What's your source?
you know what surgical masks are for, stop being a clown accomplice in mass murder
next time i go on an airplane with an open surgery wound i'll be pissed if the guy next to me doesn't wear a surgical mask
What sort of mask? Did it have a zip over the mouth? lol
That’s the mask under his mask, it had a zipper
You know I see a bunch of idoits wear chin diapers.
Day 427 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k. __@_'-'
Late today…
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I need booze
100 and a freebie lol. Nemo would approve this gif!
Day 141 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x32 normal/narrow, 3x11 pike; Total: 161 (Day 245 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 144 of 120+ pushups per day)
Just finished the plebdev cashu wallet workshop.
Next will be iterating different wallet designs with lightning/cashu/nostr and completing a few beginner issue requests.
So far i've taken 3 plebdev courses a nostr dev course, and made it to day 50/100 on 100 days to code in replit. I've managed to get an Issue request merged for LN Bits and still barely understand what I'm doing.
Wish me luck freaks, Hustle
I wish you luck, although I'm not a maniac, I don't know how to program anywhere, so I wish others could understand it
Let's read some poems today! Here are a couple from Sam Pink that fell out of his book "99 Problems to cure whatever's wrong with you or create the problems you need."
THE WHOLE SHOW Sometimes it all opens up as the simplest, most all-encompassing truth. And you see behind the curtain. You see the glass screen you're behind. The whole show. Knowing you can't play that character anymore. Leaving them behind, they breathe on the glass and write 'fuck you' but it's backwards and meant for them anyway.
ENOUGH Changed the way I greet strangers from a glaring, single downward nod to a glaring, single downward nod with hand slightly up. It looks like a wave but also signals, 'Enough.'
Idk about poems but the second one was aight
you should check out more Sam Pink, he writes books too
when I say "fell out of his book" I genuinely mean that I made purchase of his book, he sent it to me, I opened it and a dozen small pieces of paper with more poems printed on them sprinkled out of the pages.
BITCOIN Clips This Week: Trump Pro Bitcoin, Saylor ‪@BTCPrague‬, Powell - Inflation, T Mobile Running Bitcoin Nodes - Lightning & Bitcoin Mining, More...
If you always agree with someone, how likely is it that you are critically thinking?
Always agreeing seems very strategic, indicates you are thinking.
I disagree.
66, btw
I just ate fake meat. Didn't know I was at a vegan restaurant lol
It is made from jackfruit. Am I right?
How was it?
It tastes almost the same according to me
Sometimes it does. Depends on how it's prepared.
Your are absolutely right. It depends on how it prepared.
As I said many times:

El Savador will became the tether world... it was all a scam, well prepared !

This is the preliminary of "hey give me your bitcoin and I will lend you these tethers"
What a fucking scam ! Bitcoiners were fooled to believe that El Salvador will be a "Bitcoin dream" but in fact was a plan to fool them all.
Tether = CBDC
@remindme in 2 years
..I must be missing a piece of the post, mentions nothing about tether...
it's a sad and bitter truth, the moral is that you don't trust politicians because they lie, I should also learn this as long as I live in Poland
One thing I have learned over the years is never to trust anything being marketed so hard, especially when it comes to where to live.
Make your own Bitcoin dream happen, definitely not from any imagery country or politicians.
Make your own Bitcoin dream happen, definitely not from any imagery country or politicians.
or just do what you want, and stop telling others what to do :)
sure, I am happy to leave anyone alone as I'd just like others to leave me alone.
you lost your satire? That article was a satire.
why you assume I lost my satire? I made no comment about the contents of the link
look I even read the title This is special guide for bitcoiners, due to the latest events and political changes in the world. Also satire (for those that lost their humor)
“To do a dangerous thing with style is what I call art.” ― Charles Bukowski
Family bike ride to start out Fathers Day weekend!
Blessed life!
100%, we went for dinner and sat on the roof top and stopped on the way home at a park! God is good

Press Gang

The name Press Gang referred to a body of men from the 1700’s who would “force” others into service or civil conscription. This was done by tricking the unsuspecting man to accept the King’s money.
A silver coin with the face of the king would be “pressed”, hence the name, into the hands of the victim, and once “coin” had been “accepted” the contract was concluded and the man had enlisted.
Note: today, the modern fiat currency has hidden “contracts”, such as taxation.
However, the use of the British pound within these courts is grounds for treason as the British pound is now backed by the US dollar, which is printed by a non-governmental, independent US corporation called the Federal Reserve, with shareholders.
Furthermore, as these “notes” are nothing but promissory notes, you have the right to submit your own promissory note to discharge any fine.
I admit that I didn't know this and an interesting thing in the context of curiosities, I am increasingly giving up fiduciary money (fuck paper, it's worth nothing) in favor of bitcoin. At this point, it is already 33.7% of my modest amount due to the fact that I am only 18 years old and I am from the countryside, but I have a fortune.
wow TIL. Didn't know about this pressed coin. Very interesting !
one of the hidden contracts is VAT it's a tax on the benefit of commercially using copyrighted notes of a private for profit corporation
I think the fun is discharging them now. (Fines, debts)
did you know you can get all VAT refunded?
no, how do you get it back? Though, I can't recall paying these
no VAT(value added tax) on Guam? read in the VAT act who/what is a taxpayer.
Not that I'm aware of
Good morning stackers.
Day 139 of 100 push ups till $100k completed.
Hello, once again this month, I have another pile of thoughts. The first of them is an aspect of why young people are discouraged from working in smaller towns in Poland. Recently I was looking for a job, unemployment in Poland is only 2.7% according to Eurostat, but young people like me are often looking for a job during the holidays while studying, just to have something of their own, and I submitted 30 CVs, only one man replied, he wanted to drive Melex vehicles and transport people for tourists. Guess how much he offered. PLN 120 = less than USD 30 for 8 hours of work per day, where the above-mentioned PLN 120 is what I would burn in at best 3 days, commuting 40 km to this job, driving very economically. But never mind, the biggest problem of this type, to put it this way for an exploiter, is that it is inconsistent with the law, the minimum hourly wage for a contractual mandate is PLN 27.70 gross per hour, PLN 15 per hour, and almost PLN 30 is a slight difference. Unfortunately, I had to refuse and in exchange for PLN 100, I mowed an elderly lady's lawn in a neighboring village. The second issue is that I've been having a crisis lately in that I can't decide whether I'm a fan or a friend of my friend who makes music because on the one hand I treat him as a friend, on the other hand I bought his first album and when he played a concert for the first time it was 230 km away. I was going one way. It's a funny thing, but it's true, I got so involved that I wonder if it's more of a friendship or just being a loyal fan.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Kudos to your resourcefulness. You found another option instead of letting yourself get exploited by the lowballer.
Have you ever considered that you are perhaps both a fan and a friend at the same time? If you don’t like his music, I doubt you will make the effort to travel so far, unless he is a really good friend. You being a friend most likely gives you the motivation to support all his music-related endeavours
Actually, you can say that I thought about this third option, but the fear of losing friendships if I were to get higher is a bit scary. I would call it a bit of a phobia, unfortunately, although I like listening to his music, I don't mean that I don't.
Did you make it a good place to live, USA guys?
Work in progress
Being feeling blue lately... My friend is getting back abroad at the end of the month. Wish I could turn myself into a key-chain and go with her.
Bitcoiners: let the free market decide
Also Bitcoiners: Tether is a scam
Tether is the free market solution to dollar demand. Hate it or love it that’s the reality.
says the fiat maxi
@remindme in 1 year
since when freedom means scamming people?
Day 180 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 930 sats on 14Jun2024! Running total: 104,044 sats!
Are ~ideasfromtheedge, ~mostly_harmless & ~FiresidePhilosophy different iterations of a similar concept to you, or do you distinguish them quite distinctively?
@anon said I should continue to dream so I did:
Today, I dreamed that I fell in love with a girl that ate cooked but refrigerated pasta in the supermarket without buying it first.
I was very surprised by this behavior and I asked her if she is not worried about getting into trouble. She said it's not a problem, she will simply pay when she's leaving. She then invited me to sit and eat with her.
As it turned out, she was known for this and the clerks then even served her like waiters. However, she didn't ask for this. They brought her all kinds of stuff that she should try but she was also familiar with this spiel: they just wanted to trick her into paying for all of this stuff later. But she knew exactly what she wanted, and that was only this cold pasta (that I thought must taste horrible cold) and having a fun conversation with someone which happened to be me.
While we talked, we exchanged numbers and she embodied freedom and swimming against the stream more and more for me. Apparently, that's all I need to fall in love with someone. And maybe pretty infectious laughter.
At some point, I believed we already parted ways and I considered calling her back immediately because I was so intrigued by her but I hesitated. I didn't want to come off as clingy or desperate.
But as weird as dreams are, while considering if I should call her, write her or wait for a day, she texted me first and told me she had to leave and I seemed busy so she didn't say anything but it was nice meeting me. I was surprised because as mentioned, I thought we left the supermarket together and then parted ways. But then I looked up from the phone and I was still in the store and suddenly, it seemed like this whole conversation mostly just happened over text.
What then grabbed my attention was that the messenger we used had status updates integrated into the private chat in a way I've never seen before. I continuously received automated status updates from her like "arrived home" or "dressed in casual now". And I don't mean text messages that she typed herself. These status updates were separate messages with a corresponding emoji for every status update. It seemed like she enabled something in her messenger that would keep me updated about what she's doing as if she wants to keep me involved in her life.
That intrigued me even more. I wanted to ask her why she would give all of this information to a stranger like me that she just met. But then I woke up.
If a potential love interest were to do that irl, would you welcome it or find her clingy?
You mean the status updates?
Yes the status updates. Or someone who kept messaging you to update her happenings all the time.
I think it would simply make me curious. I would wonder why she is doing that and if that's me being special for her or rather just what she normally does. Maybe no one told her yet that this isn't usual and might be considered oversharing.
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Saturday snail price check?
The hermit keeps a window open onto the sky, without which the world would perish from suffocation, ugliness, and boredom. He is the only one, along with the poet, who still speaks the language of the beyond, who makes existence sacred.
GM Cowpokes ⚡☕🧡
Whatever you do, do it with style.
And ...
Stack Sats and stay humble
Me always tired for no good reason. 😂
I was that way. My long term medicines started working too well and it almost killed me.
So I learned when the body starts working better, you better reduce your medicines.
Following the Bitcoin diet. :D An update for those who worried about me because I couldn't eat because they didn't accept sats. I'm ok. still alive. I ate. And they still don't accept sats. I failed. And I had another issue. I was in the hospital emergencies waiting room (all good now, just a scary bad day in the family, I hope), and I was hungry. But there were only some automatic vending machines for some snacks. And guess what, not only the machines didn't accept sats, they didn't accept cash either. Only cards. So I didn't eat much that day.
I once managed to pill the restaurant because I didn't have enough cash, maybe could be useful for you #293271
According to @DarthCoin you were supposed to die of starvation because how dare you buy food with fiat to eat?!?! Don’t you want to see a bitcoin future? What is wrong with you
You are getting it totally wrong. Understandable, your mind is set on fiat not on bitcoin. Watch and learn what is Bitcoin circular economy and why any bitcoiner should push to it:
I was about to write a long post about Bitcoin circular economy, based on your stupid comment about using visa cards from yesterday #573492 But then I realized that is not worth it to debate with a fiat maxi like you. I better concentrate in local merchants adoption and not wasting my time trying to change your fiat mindset.
Every time some mentions paying for something with dollars and not bitcoin I’m going to tag you and give my thoughts
It is what it is
Do it don’t let my actions change your behaviors. But I’m going to call out your contradictions. Take it like a man and stop crying.
Lol. I will keep trying, because it would be great if my local shop would accept it. But I need to eat to be alive and stronger and attack again 😅
Making preparations for the summer solstice celebration. Gathering the wheels and collecting wood for the fire pit.
Enjoy 🎊
Is there a summer solstice celebration in the USA?
Only at my house
Don't forget to invite the raccoons too :)
They crash the party every year once the sun finally sets.
Man, number 4...too slow
Day 45 of posting till next Bitcoin halving
GM ! New day (37) on 10000 daily steps challenge . Back to sunny days and blue skies.
The darkness that follows a sunset is never so dark that it can change the inevitability of a sunrise...
It's beautiful 😍
Stop doubting yourself, stop rely on others. Work hard and make it happen.
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