Actually my friend didn't have so much good health and good immunity. He was a diabetic, ulcers, and many others. Initially he tried some natural - holistic home remedies and remained isolated at home. His condition didn't improve and When he got admitted to the hospital, his lungs were already damaged more than 60 %. He died within 2 days, he was admitted to the hospital. He was not given any medicine as you mentioned. He was also not vaccinated as there were no available vaccines for covid at that time.
Your friend dying is sad but blaming his service or job for this is not good.
I'm not blaming his service instead I'm blaming government for holding elections while covid cases were on the rise.
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If you get a chance read Robert F. Kennedy's book on Bill Gates and Fauci it uncovers a lot of the nonsense going on with COVID and other diseases.
Here in the United States there are some who want to make Bird Flu an issue so that they can have lock downs and remote voting again.
They are setting it up with farmers to pay them to allow the culling of chickens and cattle. It's a scam of the highest proportion. The PCR testing scan is in play, too.