Just returned yesterday from Fukuoka. Short quick business related comments, no politics, just business related.
  1. Visitors from South Korea, Thailand and China to Fukuoka are the largest I've seen in over 30 years visiting throughout Asia. Some of this is rolling over to Honolulu. The business mood (wholesale trading) is very upbeat and positive, (don't listen to mainstream negative comments).
  2. Commodities/Products like Aluminum in any shape or form directly or indirectly in any product(s) will be volatile but profitable next 36 months. Think Fasteners, nails, computer cases, automotive etc. In regards to trading goods B2B using Bitcoin for payment, communication is more popular using Instagram to introduce your products then posting using LINE. Relate your pricing for simplicity show JPY, THB, HKD, CNY and of course offer to quote C.I.F. using BTC. Set up shipping account with Yamato they have many offices in the USA, yes of course still some customers will want DHL, FedEx, etc. but in regards to Japan get a Yamato account.
  3. Other products like clothing.....Street Wear is hot, Hawaiian shirts think more radical designs NOT just old fashioned , classic floral, yes floral still sells, but this is a newer generation they are more Western Thinking, actually they feel and think America is cool. BTC is known and used in Tokyo but not so much yet in Fukuoka.
  4. For those of you that need orders, business money (like myself) you will do better. MBA's, Academia does not apply here, won't work you need to be able to smile look people in the eye, and actually talk. do NOT ask for permission to bring samples, JUST F'IN bring them, hand one over to the other Human, let go, they other Human has to hold it.
  5. Examples attach the price conversions clearly listing
Why because the trading of goods is really done between other Asian Countries where Tourism is HOT, Think Thailand (THB) Have you been up to date with how many Russians have relocated to Thailand ?
Which means get an agent, or distributor if your Western, your immediately thinking legal contracts, meetings, emails back and forth, none of that matters, this is the Wild Wild West, what you really want is an order, a relationship to actually take place.
  1. Don't worry about barcodes As most of you know The USA uses UPC-A Most of the rest of the World does NOT. They will request the labeling later, better yet go to gs1.org. and take the time to study GTIN, EAN, UPC-A. But that's not as important as asking for an order or at the very least looking someone in the eye and have a genuine smile.
this territory is moderated
Very cool! What is your thoughts on the peer-to-peer environment for bitcoin in Fukuoka? Does Japan have cap gains tax on btc transactions?
These postings will help keep you up to date and provide links to other questions you will have in the future https://x.com/BTCTokyo2024
Actually I live in Honolulu, BISQ is well respected Mempool.space is well respected, meaning. In regards to taxation I do not know, I will say If you check out The Bitcoin Standard it was translated into Japanese and is well read over there.
Smaller, B2B, B2C transactions are the logical baby steps. Please consider adding your contact info on one of our sites, and I promise to send you good info without any bombardment, Thank you very much, Rich