My grandparents escaped Nazi Germany. Therefore I have more wisdom about life
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They must have seen the worst of humanity. I'm sure you learned a lot from them.
True. Knowledge of history is important. But getting history lessons from older relatives can be one sided.
It’s annoying when Jews overplay the Hitter or Holocaust card. Especially when they are irrelevant for most issues.
I was being sarcastic because it is annoying when people use Hitler or Nazi or Holocaust to embellish their argument assuming it’s logical.
Remember uncle Leo from Seinfeld? Everyone is anti semitic. Call someone anti semite and you win the argument
Uncle Leo is a great example. I use him all the time
70 percent of American Jews voted for Biden in 2020.
Many supported covid insanity such as lockdowns. Blacklisting their acquaintances and neighbors who refused mRNA gene therapy
Many Jews especially women supported BLM. They live in areas with virtually no black residents. And undocumented immigrants for that matter.
They don’t see the irony. Or they do and don’t care