Fear is the common thread. Find the people's fear and you find the mechanism for control. The fear is almost always irrational but does have some deep seated basis. This is what politics has come to. Power gained by fear. Those that spin the scariest tales win the day.
The oceans are going to boil. They are gonna come for your job. They are gonna blow up the store down the street. They are gonna destroy democracy. Whatever the story, the message is be afraid. You can't stop this. You have to give me power and I will protect you from X.
How often do these "leaders" lead people back to themselves? Almost never. Do they ever suggest each person has the most power over their own destiny? That if each person would focus on living their life for a purpose and goal that the world would just get better around them? If we would build relationships with our neighbors and seek to find common ground we would be stronger? If we would peacefully agree to leave each other alone on areas of disagreement that would be better?
Nah, fear works better. Democracy will never lead us out of this. Democracy is the god that failed. Its a false god and the truth is those in power know this. They are telling a "noble lie". They know what they are doing. The smart ones at least.
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