I absolutely love reading them (and there are some I've still only read, since performances of, say, Henry VI Part 3 are rare)! But I've found that after reading them, seeing and hearing the dialogue imbues extra meaning.
I'd love to know some great performances you've seen in your native language; a couple of the ones I mention (Ran and Throne of Blood) aren't in English, but most of my Shakespeare experience is in English, and I'd love to expand that.
Yes, I agree. By watching or hearing these plays, you can infer some extra meaning. I just believe that reading them is essential.
I've watched all 4 of the great tragedies, Romeo and Juliet, Antony and Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, A Midsummer's Night Dream, Twelfth Night, Tempest and one or two more I can't remember the names. Most of them I watched in Hindi but Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet are two that I've also watched in English. While teaching in a college, I also got a chance to direct Hamlet.