Shakespeare is most widely read around the globe. He is also most widely performed and adapted on screen. It's not only Hollywood that has been making films on him but I've come accross many films in my native language as well.
But for me, reading his dramas has been most helpful to understand the real meaning that his writings infer. When they say, they were written to perform on stage — I agree but I can't be fully satisfied until I read the same play.
I absolutely love reading them (and there are some I've still only read, since performances of, say, Henry VI Part 3 are rare)! But I've found that after reading them, seeing and hearing the dialogue imbues extra meaning.
I'd love to know some great performances you've seen in your native language; a couple of the ones I mention (Ran and Throne of Blood) aren't in English, but most of my Shakespeare experience is in English, and I'd love to expand that.
Yes, I agree. By watching or hearing these plays, you can infer some extra meaning. I just believe that reading them is essential.
I've watched all 4 of the great tragedies, Romeo and Juliet, Antony and Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, A Midsummer's Night Dream, Twelfth Night, Tempest and one or two more I can't remember the names. Most of them I watched in Hindi but Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet are two that I've also watched in English. While teaching in a college, I also got a chance to direct Hamlet.