Refresh the post. Today is a truly historic SN day and I didn't realize it.
54 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 11 Jun
Wow, it's 3 years since the first post 👀
It must have been divine providence that I started this yesterday, not to be grandiose.
This deserves a post in ~meta territory. Make the post now!
Do it yourself, deadbeat
The post deserved a more elaborate text and now I don't have much time. @ek, can you do the post?
I don't understand (not on purpose). This post is already in ~meta?
Isn't today SN's birthday? The post was about it.
26 sats \ 9 replies \ @ek 11 Jun
Ohh, that's what you meant. I agree, someone should do it.
No way @ek's going to do it. He's the original SN deadbeat.
Did I miss something last week while I was busy being my wife's personal butler? Why are you calling everyone deadbeat now?
41 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 11 Jun
I saw you already created a post in the saloon which I think is enough
I came here to say that I made the post and saw these comments, do I delete the post?