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This is my second attempt at this experiment. See yesterday's entry #569328.
It was exciting seeing how much enthusiasm there was for this, as well as how much concern you all expressed for how I'm spending my time. :)
This time the format is a little different and I'm adding excerpted quotes. Also, most sats forwarded to original stackers.

11th of June, 2023

Top Post

#191551 Unpopular Opinions - A Weekend Discussion by @sn
To encourage healthy debate and to introduce SN users to new ideas, we thought it would be fun to open the floor for you all to share your most unpopular opinions about Bitcoin, Nostr, or any other topic you're passionate about.

Top Comment

Bitcoin is not salvation, a deity, the most moral cause in the world, etc.

Top Stacker

1st place is in hiding (presumed to be @siggy47) 2nd place is @ek

11th of June, 2022

Top Post

#35583 SN release: usage dashboard by @k00b
Right now it just shows some monthly growth stats, but I'll add stuff to it as time goes on. The idea is users can follow along with growth, recommend any new metrics, speculate on approaches to improve metrics, etc. Radical transparency is just cool too.

Top Comment

this piece helped me understand many of my colleagues https://www.citadel21.com/why-the-yuppie-elite-dismiss-bitcoin

Top Stacker

11th of June, 2021

Top Post

#1 by @k00b El Salvador Makes Bitcoin Legal Tender

Top Comment

This is pretty old news at this point but I wanted it to be the first story anyway

Top Stacker

Top 3 Reasons to use This Image as Horizontal Rule

  • Improves readability
  • Easier to skim the post
  • Is on-brand for SN-meta posts
Shout-out @davidw for the original use of this image as horizontal rule in his posts
Thanks, that is the formatting issue I was most unhappy about.
nice format:

11th of June, 2023 📅


Unpopular Opinions - A Weekend Discussion

To encourage healthy debate and to introduce SN users to new ideas, we thought it would be fun to open the floor for you all to share your most unpopular opinions about Bitcoin, Nostr, or any other topic you're passionate about.
by @sn



Bitcoin is not salvation, a deity, the most moral cause in the world, etc.


1st place is in hiding (presumed to be @siggy47) 2nd place is @ek

11th of June, 2022 📅

# 11th of June, 2023 📅


# **📝 `TOP POST`**

## [Unpopular Opinions - A Weekend Discussion](https://stacker.news/items/191551)

> To encourage healthy debate and to introduce SN users to new ideas, we thought it would be fun to open the floor for you all to share your most unpopular opinions about Bitcoin, Nostr, or any other topic you're passionate about.

*by @sn*

# **💬 `TOP COMMENT`**

# https://stacker.news/items/191561

> Bitcoin is not salvation, a deity, the most moral cause in the world, etc.

*by @@scottathan*

# **🏆`TOP STACKER`**

1st place is in hiding (presumed to be @siggy47)
2nd place is @ek


# 11th of June, 2022 📅

Something occurred to me seeing these; we've retroactively applied current day trust quite a few times. It's kind of weird time travel thing, because people who weren't trusted then became trusted overtime and influenced our view of the past. Hmm there's something interesting there.
I've wondered about that a little bit, too. It's one of the reasons I like the idea of incorporating all-time rankings in the rewards. Maybe someone did some great POW, but it was missed at the time, because the trust scores didn't realize how things would develop.
I won’t say thanks for doing this because I’m sure you’re deriving lots of satisfaction from this new endeavour. I just learnt about the Hawthorne effect recently.
The Hawthorne effect suggests that 1) the novelty value of change in a routine can lead to increased productivity, but 2) the productivity increase is temporary, so 3) it’s good to change things up from time to time. The Hawthorne effect states that the determining factor is the fact of a change, rather than the specific change itself
Not sure if the Hawthorne effect brings you productivity gains but I’m sure the novelty keeps things fresh.
I like how you extracted the pertinent bits AND forwarded some zaps to the authors. Who knows, this poke might incentivise some of them to come back xP
I would love for you to pen a simple takeaway at the end. How did you feel when you were compiling the day’s events? What thought(s) went through your mind? Nothing onerous, just something brief. I’m always curious at the person behind the endeavour
I was talking to @siggy47 about wanting to put my own little summaries. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.
Isn't there a Chinese saying about groping for river stones with your feet to find your way across? I remember hearing something like that once and I thought it was neat.
Chinese saying about groping for river stones with your feet to find your way acros I had to look this one up. Didn’t learn it in school haha. 摸着石头过河 It was a popular phrase coined when China opened itself to the world in the 1970s.
There is a Chinese saying for slow is smooth. We say 慢工出细货 (Màn gōng chū xìhuó). Literal: (slow work) (yields) (fine work)
How would you translate the river one?
The context I heard it in was the CCP trying to liberalize the economy without giving up control, but I didn’t realize that’s where it came from.
I think the way you put it is fine. It retains the original flavour of the saying.
The context behind the saying is that because there are no ready-made bridges and boats and because no one has ever crossed the river before you, you got to test the waters and move ahead, one step at a time. The following is from its Wikipedia page: “摸着石头过河”本意指在没有前人经验、没有现成的桥和船的情况下,要想过河就必须以身试水、摸索前进”
Language forums translate this to improvising by trial and error. Which is a fine translation I guess, but the original essence is lost
I have always wondered, is it okay to post comments on older posts? Or are they considered over? Or forever open?
It is considered awesome.
Okay, I will be commenting on old posts! Everyone is warned!
Comment away!
hhhhmm...I will. Sometimes days are slow.
Oh snap, so today is an SN holiday.
Happy 3 years @k00b @sn from item #1!
Also this day in history, SN's first AMA : #2
@k00b is like the Nokola Jokic of SN, tops in all the categories.
Great analogy and you didn't even make a comparison between their physiques.
It's hard to know w/ @k00b, he doesn't reveal a lot in SNL.
Haha, exactly. Perfect illustration.
Forwarded sats is a nice iteration.
Refresh the post. Today is a truly historic SN day and I didn't realize it.
Wow, it's 3 years since the first post 👀
It must have been divine providence that I started this yesterday, not to be grandiose.
This deserves a post in ~meta territory. Make the post now!
Do it yourself, deadbeat
The post deserved a more elaborate text and now I don't have much time. @ek, can you do the post?
I don't understand (not on purpose). This post is already in ~meta?
👀 daily POW
and only 10% for himself 👀
daily humble
It was 40% before I realized there were 3 2021 entries to reward.
@k00b's going to get a lot of well deserved forwards out of this series.
So far, refresh the post though. I published it before realizing what a historic day it is for SN.
Okay, I was just going to inform you and now I see it. It's really amazing to go back where I was not there. This makes super easy for all new comers to find top content in history. It's great, it's huge! Well done!!!
Thanks, most of this will be new for me, as well.
As a relative newcomer, I really appreciate these.
All of the 2021 stuff and almost all of the 2022 stuff will be new to me, too, probably also a lot the 2023 stuff.
Very nice. I believe that along with daily information, some changes will also be seen.
I liked this one more than yesterday's, but tomorrow's will probably look pretty similar.
This time the format is a little different
Now I expect that you post this every day with format improvements
You're welcome to expect whatever you want, but remember that the key to happiness is low expectations.
Every week would also be okay :)
btw, this reminds me of creepy Google flashbacks but in less creepy
Ok, I'll endeavor to be more creepy, just for you.