You're so far gone it's not even funny. You aren't loyal to this nation, you're loyal to one man, Donald Trump. You believe everything he says even when the facts data and statistics prove otherwise. You believe Russia isn't an enemy of the U.S. (Reagan is rolling in his grave), because Trump idolizes and wants to be like Putin. If Biden is a dictator, then tell me why his son is on trial right now for federal gun charges and Joe has already guaranteed he will not pardon him if he's found guilty. You're in a cult man, you've lost any love for your country and our Democratic Republic and now you just love one man, Trump. It's sad to see really. And you say any organization that puts out facts and data that doesn't fit your narrative is "left winged." Hate to break it to you, but facts and data and statistics don't have an opinion nor do they care about your rhetoric. You are too far gone to be saved at this point. You're the type of.person that would fly a Trump flag above the flag of the USA.