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Understanding debt refinancing is the key to understanding asset prices and cycles.
What happens when the Government's debt can’t be repaid?
Well, it’s different than when it’s your personal credit card debt, vs the government's debt. But it’s also sort of the same, meaning… if the debt can’t be repaid, there will need to be some sort of agreement…
For example, on personal debt, you might negotiate with the lender for smaller payments spread out over a longer time frame. A debt restructuring… or sometimes it’s just like sorry, I can’t pay it, and it’s an outright default.
Or sometimes, it’s something in between, but… What happens will you look at all the debt, and the ability to pay it back and just realize, there is no way
And you realize it can’t even be paid back.
And with about $34 trillion of debt for the US government and about $305 Trillion for governments around the world.. That’s the realization that many are starting to have…
So in this video, I’ll go over:
-How The US got into this debt mess -The speed at which it’s growing -What the government projects it to get to -And the only 4 ways out of this mess.
What do you think would happen if credit was abolished?
Society would collapse
It wouldnt collapse. It would slow down for a little while, then things would get better.
Functioning credit markets are essential for a complex society. They allow people to smooth consumption throughout their lifetime and they allow people to pool resources for large projects.
Societies that don’t have functioning credit markets are very poor.
Maybe it should be limited. People with credit cards.....dont know finances well.
Dumb people will find dumb ways to screw up their lives in any system. It’s not a good reason to adopt a less efficient system.