People have covered a lot of ground with equities and their BTC journeys. To add something a little different, I would say the following:
1- Not prioritizing location - I spent a lot of time in different cities where your financial/economic development lag and you can only take remote jobs to make up the difference. However, you miss out on all of the convos that get people hired/help people fund their companies.
2- While this is a financial failing, I feel somewhat of a moral vindication that I haven't raised institutional venture capital, however that's easily one of the ways you can quickly build personal wealth if you play it right.
Not prioritizing location
This is great. The most important financial decisions might not be directly financial.
Yeah, who you choose to surround yourself with really matters - and where you are
You are the average of the 5 people you spend most time with
Right, the location piece is key. For example, where my day job is - you can't rise above a certain level without being in office. In addition, cost of living can make or break one over years upon years of paying high rent or mortgage.