Peoples imagination of pharma companies is very far from what you people are imagining.
You want to know what real power in washington is? Getting money straight fom your paycheck into military industrial complex and shipping it around the globe. That's power.
Compared to that: pharma can't even steal everyones money for a universal healthinsurance. Look at the percentage of government budget and into which industries they flow. Pharma is weak and pathetic in Washington.
Look at the cold hard facts instead of your brainworms.
Nobody said it was the most powerful lobby. Maybe we're just quibbling over what "they don't have that much power" means, but they get lots of favorable treatment from the government that screws the rest of us over.
We did just go through an insane episode of medical tyranny where kids were being mandated to take experimental medical treatments for diseases they were at no risk from. Who do you think that was for? Hint: it was the companies that made billions of dollars selling those products.
We did just go through an insane episode of medical tyranny where kids were being mandated to take experimental medical treatments for diseases they were at no risk from. Who do you think that was for? Hint: it was the companies that made billions of dollars selling those products.
We did just go through an episode where this medicine WAS NOT mandated. They couldn't even get that through under the best conditions possible.
That's exactly what I mean by weak and pathetic: there is no more tailwind for them possible than that. That's so far away from e.g. Turbotax or Tesla getting their asses straight up licked by government.
That's exactly what I mean by "brainworms". You seem to live in a parallel world from reality where big pharma lobby got things through that they didn't get through in reality. We're so far away from government stealing your money and paying Insulin or Ozempic with it - which is the situation in many other industries
It's semantics. They add the covid "vaccines" to the vaccine schedule and then government schools automatically require them. Yes, there are stronger mandates than that, but that is still a mandate.
Kids are required to go to school by the government and we are all required to fund them and they put these mandates in place for attendance.
Not to mention, parents were relentlessly propagandized to inject their kids with these products. Again, who was that done for?
This is such a bizarre hill to want to die on after the past four years.