If corporations are people, why do we allow them to persuade us to believe that if we supported them financially, our lives would be fundamentally changed in a way to imply we have achieved a spiritual-social purpose?
These type of advertising is totally banned in India. There's a heavy tax on companies for their social responsibility but it can't be advertised. All companies are required to do environmental and social work through a sister company or a charity trust.
What is your opinion of the environmental/social work that these companies do?
My expectation is that it's all about matching whatever numbers are required, and nothing useful.
It's defined Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which broadly refers to the work and activities undertaken by corporates towards issues related to social causes and development, environment, disaster relief and community support. The Corporate Social Responsibility was made mandatory for companies in India by an Act in the year 2013.
However it's true that most companies only match numbers and do nothing useful.
These type of advertising is totally banned in India.
That's pretty cool. Are there any articles or readings you'd recommend to learn about this?
This is in Hindi and English both. The rules here does not necessarily talk about banning green washing but they also don't allow such advertisements on account of they serving as bait for consumers