I didn’t start watching the show until it was already several seasons in. I thought it was great until they got past what Martin had written.
I think I got to the place when they melted the big sword into two small sword, then I kind of gave up on the show.
Season 4 premiere after the red wedding
I think I got to somewhere around there and I just kind of lost interest. I really enjoyed seeing Bron and the Hound.
I feel like that was pretty early.
It was only a couple seasons in. What season was when they didnt have material to go off of?
That was the last two seasons, I believe.
The last two seasons are not so good? Actually, I tried house of dragons and that isnt so bad.
that was also written by GRRM. One of the things he did instead of finishing the series was write a "history of Westeros", which this is based on.
Yes, I know. I find it disappointing that he hasnt published more. He seems to get too distracted with other things.
look if I was pushing 80 and just made a few million and got famous, I'd have other ideas to spend my final years, too, than sitting at a computer typing out a book that will just make me more money I'll never be able to spend.
My wife and I didn’t even finish the first episode.
I don’t think we have much of an appetite for that kind of gruesomeness anymore.
I am not going to lie, I like science fiction/fantasy that are made with low budget. The rawness is so much better.
Seasons 6 to 8
He did clue them into what should happen, right?
He did but Benioff and Weiss can’t write original content and dialogue
Do you know what else they have made?
Yes! Absolutely!
Last 3 seasons were subpar Final season was awful
Benioff and Weiss were clearly done with the show before the final season. They should have passed the baton to another show runner
I heard the tv show didnt end well. GRRM said he would write the ending differently.
Season 8 was a huge disappointment. The show runners mailed it in
Wasnt he supposed to write everything by the time they got to season 6?
George gave them an outline
Then why isnt he writing his book faster if he already had an outline made?
Writer’s block?