Hey, stackers!
I've been quietly working on the Stacker News native app for Android for a few weeks. Today I put it back on Google Play and launched a new version on GitHub Releases.
The releases are now automated and are triggered whenever I push a new tag on the repository so it fixes might be launched more quickly from now on (quickly in as soon as I fix them).
What's New:
  • Bug fixes
  • Theme Switcher
  • Light Theme
  • Tab bar moved to bottom
  • Notifications Page
  • More subs (territories)
  • etc
Get the new version on Github: https://github.com/felipebueno/stacker_news/
I'm also preparing a pwa version so people without an Android device might experiment the app. I already published it on GitHub Pages but unfortunately it wont't work with the current hacky api client I built because of CORS. I'll have to build a proper api client at some point... I'll have to ask @k00b or @ek access to an api key
Love it, I may just need to switch to android. I would love to post on my phone with stacker news, I have Iphone though.
I'll publish for iPhone too at some point when the app is more stable. But it might take some time
I just downloaded and installed the app. Great job but I'm getting this message when I try to reply to your post:
I'm using Android 10
@BitByBit21 just fixed ze bugz on reply :)
The new APK(s) are already available on GitHub Relases
Google Play version will be available in a couple hours
Awesome, this is a reply from the app.
Oh, I forgot to fix the reply bug ๐Ÿ˜…
I'll fix that tomorrow, thanks @BitByBit21
I'm working on this bug at this moment. I'll let you know when it's fixed and published
Thanks for your work. Would you consider publishing it on F-Droid as well?
Thank you, @MarsIronPI !
Yeah, I'd love to have it on F-droid for sure. I've been postponing it for 1+ year ๐Ÿ˜…
If you want to auth as the signed in user, an api key wonโ€™t work as theyโ€™re scoped per user. I think SN would need to support something like OAuth so the app can auth on behalf of the user
@WeAreAllSatoshi It's already possible to sign in in the app with a magic link
Ah gotcha!
That's good... We need a good app for Graphene OS though!
Will it work on Graphene as well???
Graphene OS is Android so it probably works
Can you try it, please? The APKs are on Github
Written in flutter?
Yes :)