Hey Everyone - I've been wondering about a movement that we saw pretty big over the past couple of years - minimalism. We don't have to look far to see nonstop consumerism around us, influencers touting products, and consumers purchasing up storage units to keep hoarding and stacking their junk.
There were dozens of memes circulating in the bear market surrounding bitcoiners having worn up shoes, living on an air mattress, or eating canned food all in the name of stacking. While these could be extreme scenarios to some, barebones living can help many people overcome their spending and consumerism addiction.
Bitcoin has played into my minimalism as I live in a small apartment and I am doing much better than most that have followed the traditional path. For me, I am living just fine. I can travel to a new country every year, have fresh water, nice clothes and 3 square meals. I also can give to charity.
Bitcoin has helped me cut out all the superfluous junk in my life. I think bitcoin can play into the minimalist movement because the currency is deflationary, the time preference is low and the bitcoiner crowd tends to be humble and always seeks to steadily increase their stack. What are your thoughts on bitcoin and minimalism? I know life is short and we still need to enjoy things, but the way I look at it - minimalism removes waste on things that don't matter. Cheers!
Having a money that is a real store of value changes the way people think about spending.
You have to give up something really valuable for each purchase, whereas with fiat you're dumping a depreciating asset when you spend it.
That difference will orienting people towards only spending on things they truly value.
dumping a depreciating asset
Wrong. Bitcoin is not an "asset". Who thinks tha BTC is an asset is a moron that do not understand/know what is freedom money (aka BTC)
Learn to read, bro.
If you're going to call me a moron, maybe try to understand what I actually said.
The "depreciating asset" is fiat currency.
I am watching very closely what you are talking about. Calling Bitcoin an "asset" is not differentiate you from M.Saylor (fiat scammer) FUCK ALL "SAYLORS" and false freedom fighters (aka libertarians)
An asset is a resource with economic value that an individual or corporation owns or controls with the expectation that it will provide a future benefit. -Investopedia
An asset is only a value for idiots. Freedom is not an "asset". Bitcoin is freedom money. Pure as that. All the rest is just noise.
Could you clarify, is your argument stemming from the assertion that it doesn’t matter unless bitcoin is being used as money - spent - to affect change in the world?
Name calling is not a substitute for an argument.
Oh you feel touched? That makes absolutely my point. FUCK'EMA'ALL
121 sats \ 0 replies \ @0fje0 5 Jun
As the saying goes: many a true word is spoken in jest.
living on an air mattress
I literally did this in the early days of bitcoin. No regrets.
PS. I don't (have to) anymore.
I think minimalism is just a natural extension of a low-time preference, delaying gratification and valuing your future. Saving in Bitcoin is the best way to fully understand and practice this.
I think that if Bitcoiners are determined only to support merchants who accept BTC as payment, they don’t have to expend a lot of energy on choosing their brands because they can just choose from a few forward-looking ones who are ahead of the curve. Which means extra energy to pump into the things that matter
Good thoughts. I was a minimalist before I found bitcoin, and it’s properties were what attracted me to it.
173 sats \ 2 replies \ @k00b 5 Jun
Bitcoin and the whole FIRE/minimalism trend are certainly aligned. Part of what took me deeper into bitcoin is that it requires a certain asceticism which I take to easily.
2015... Me: wife, we need to sell things to buy more BTC. Wife: you are fucking crazy, I just want to buy a new sofa... Me: Fuck your sofa, go to your mother an live in that the sofa your father fuck you mother... Wife: You are so in-sensible... bla bla bla (what usually women says and men ignore totally) Me: I will sell you by organ parts just to get more sats. Just to not hear anymore your screams. Fuck off...
Many people will remember my words even that are strong words. Adapt to your own life and family but never leave the BTC out.
deleted by author
Very much agree with this.
The time preference test is a bitcoin test, and bitcoin is an IQ test.
Great post
Don't give up your dreams, just give up the junk that you've been made used to.
Leave everything that is unnecessary and aligns with the views of 'fiat mindset' ...
Bitcoin Minimalism is about finding truth in yourself and your beliefs rather than in material possessions. Freedom from the trappings of the consumer culture we’ve built our lives around which has been fueled by Keynesian economic policies
Once you change your way of thinking, it is hard to go back to the wasteful mentality. You should consider making some cardboard furniture, you only need a pencil and scissors to make the designs and cut them out.