The concept of free markets is based on the idea that we have an intrinsic idea of what something is worth. As the money printer has been helping the rich who use debt as leverage to gain control over more hard assets, it has wiped out the average persons saving. It has also wiped out the average persons earnings, they just don't quite know it yet. Even more so, it is impossible to maintain the same quality of life since you cannot earn more (ie. maintain the same quality of life) without bumping into higher tax brackets.
The average worker knows they are not getting enough value for the amount of work they are putting in. This is how the powers that be 'fight inflation'. They put pressure on companies to not increase wages, to not get competitive for workers, to not raise the salaries. The workers know there is something wrong. They can no longer afford the same quality of life. Yet, there is no job offering more income (the same purchasing power with a larger number on it that will get taxed at a higher rate.).
Do you think the system will crumble at some point? If everyone stands up and says we have had enough - the system has to change. If not, we will just be in this perpetual doom loop. They aren't upwardly revising the tax brackets for inflation, just like the aren't adjusting the $10K minimum that they set for KYC/AML monitoring decades ago.
Most young men I know just end up leaving the country to live a better life in Vietnam/Thailand. A shame that we lose them here in the U.S.