I am starting a series of monthly workshops (first one on June 25) where you can learn bitcoin programming. We start this month with a workshop on Bitcoin Script. Buy a ticket for only $20 or purchase a prerecorded version for only $5. Check it out and let me know what you think!
I will be checking this out. June 25th is a long travel day for me, but sounds like I can get the prerecorded version.
Nice! I hope you enjoy the prerecorded version, which is available for purchase now at this link: https://supertestnet.org/workshops.html?option=bitcoin_script
Do let me know what you think!
Just starting to dig in, and in true @supertestnet style, we start off with an unexpected error!! LOL. I honestly love the raw unedited, unpolished, and unfiltered style you bring. The innovation and value that pours out of you overcomes all the glitches by a very wide margin.
Lol! I found out later that error was simply due to opening up the "wrong" console. That one shows other stuff that's running in the browser besides what's on the page. I should have gone to Menu > More tools > Web Developer Tools > Console -- I wouldn't have seen any errors there
Got it. Still found it amusing. Keep up the great work!
Finally had some time to really dig into the workshop video. I am running a full verification fully indexed Bitcoin node on mainnet, but up until now, had not set up testnet. Now I have them both running simultaneously on different ports and different directories of course.
The history of Szabo's smart contracts and your analogy to Hero's vending machine I found very helpful. Making a complex concept like smart contracts easily understood is itself, a rather complex task.
The examples of smart contract types you cover: elections, ballgames, escrow, & lottery expanded my understanding substantially.
The Bitcoin script built-in functions: I appreciate that you build circuit boards using Boolean operations, and it seems that this area can unlock many interesting capabilities.
Describing Bitcoin script as "Yoda speech" helps as well, where the verb or function comes last and the nouns or parameters come first.
The Saints Packers ballgame script you developed is clear. The video is perfect for me to pause and go back where required for me to internalize the mechanics.
"Everything is a stack" in Bitcoin supports the section on how the Bitcoin VM works. It's a different model for me to wrap my head around, but with practice, I will get accustomed to it.
The execution phase, has a bit of complexity that I will need to sort through.
I appreciate the references to Antonopoulos' works which are indeed excellent and the ide.scriptwiz.app is a great resource as well.
It really feels like my understanding of the protocol has been leveled up substantially. Probably the best $20 in sats I have spent all year. Great work! Have a few more sats.
I have developed for decades. And I have no idea how to program around Bitcoin. This will be great.
teach me how to wallet!
I built my first nostr app courtesy of you tho,, so thanks
yay super testnet! I love this promo video so much!
Sweet thanks! This is the way! Can’t wait.
Buy a ticket or a prerecorded workshop here: https://supertestnet.org/workshops.html
Hmm... "Recipient is not reachable, or does not have enough inbound liquidity." Something I did wrong?
Tried to buy the $20 deal:
51 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 7 Jun
Same happened for me. I then noticed I can buy some cashu tokens1 in the shopstr wallet and pay with them.


  1. /cc @Scoresby, I had to think about you haha
That's weird! I'm surprised shopstr even uses LNBits. Maybe they're using a self hosted version. Anyway, try paying me $20 here: supertestnet@stacker.news and in your message tell me how I can send you the link
BTW by "the $20 deal" do you mean the $20 deal for a ticket to my upcoming live workshop? Or the $20 deal for all of the prerecorded workshops?
try paying me $20 here
Done. For all of the prerecorded workshops.
The message I included was probably not very clear. Sorry about that. I meant to ask if you can send the link via a SN "PM".
Sent, thank you!
30 sats \ 0 replies \ @0fje0 4 Jun
Received. Thank you! :)
125 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 4 Jun
Has Shopstr outdone Magic Webstore?
Also, I didn't know you had a webpage.
Has Shopstr outdone Magic Webstore?
Yes because LNBits changed their wallet generation api in a way that broke Magic Webstore and I haven't fixed it yet. LNBits also lost a lot of people's money when they got hacked and now their lightning node rarely seems to work. Shopstr's only real downside relative to Magic Webstore is that it requires buyers to log in with nostr, which is dumb and unnecessary. But hey, I can probably fork it and fix that.
Also, I didn't know you had a webpage.
Oh yes, my journey to becoming an influencer is nearly complete. Now I just need to find something to sell my followers. Oh wait...
51 sats \ 0 replies \ @Car 4 Jun
This is awesome! Congrats brother, let us know if you need any help at the lab.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 7 Jun
Is this the voice from Honest Game Trailers? If so, perfect choice!
no, that's my voice, I just imitated that classic gravelly trailer voice
e.g. the one that narrates this trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlwtiOyaoo0
What an awesome Idea, thanks for sharing! Will you also give labs/demos at any of the upcoming bitcoin conferences this year?
This would definitely get your name out and in front of others.
Yes, I plan to. I requested to do a workshop at tabconf called "Build Your Own L2" which I hope to add to the series.
I am interested to purchase a pre-recorded version.
Go for it! The prerecorded versions of all upcoming workshops are available right now for $5 apiece. Just scroll to "all upcoming workshops" here: https://supertestnet.org/workshops.html
It sounds amazing!
Is it also for non-tech people?
It is about programming together but I explain everything I'm doing and almost everything is copy-pasting from my slideshows...so all of the code is written for you. But some of it is hard to understand, especially the bitvm one. The nostr one is probably the easiest. I think a non-tech person would have trouble but try out the nostr one and let me know what you think!
Okay. Shall give it a try if my current schedule permits. I'm in the Himalyas right now having fun. I'm doing so much of stuff like 'carry water and chop woods'.
Maybe I’ll dive into this after I finish base58 someday
How about denominate in satoshis
I prefer to use USD as my unit of account
As someone who's in Africa, it might be convincing to add dollars in a bracket close to the sats value. i.e 10k sats ($10)
Maybe put prices in Sats instead of USD ;)
I prefer to use USD as my unit of account
Makes lowering prices easier since its automatic
purchase a prerecorded version for only $5
I would easily buy :)
Go for it! The prerecorded versions of all upcoming workshops are available right now for $5 apiece. Just scroll to "all upcoming workshops" here: https://supertestnet.org/workshops.html
Amazing! I'll check. Thanks @supertestnet!
I'm still working on the videos they've already put out.
By the time I get to working through this one, bitcoin will have won.
Nice, will be checking this out.
Thanks! I am very excited to finally start this series :D