No contest for me! I dislike the tradeoffs of controllers in regards to precision and speed, and normally only use them for driving games that don't use wheels and playing old console games. I do own a Steam Deck, and the haptic touchpads are actually fairly usable as a mouse, so I like that to. I still consider it a PC though.
I also like the massive variety of game options available, as well as the extra horsepower a good PC has. Basically none of the modern console exclusives have really impressed me anyway. Plus, I can use my computer for a lot more than games.
so you mostly play on Steam Deck? Or do you play on a PC other than desktop?
I meant to say I own a Deck as well, sorry. I built a fairly solid gaming PC a few years back, and that's primarily what I use. The Deck is what I use for portable gaming around the house, and I have a few laptops that have decent iGPUs that I use if I'm on a trip or something.