Thank you so much for taking my post to this level. I enjoy reading posts from everyone here in this territory and just thought of writing on the subject of 'Motivation for Succes' and now I think I'm slowly getting into the groove here. I've been a motivational speaker here in my country and I my audience is mostly Hindi listening people. I want to write a lot here but sometimes I feel that writing for English native people shouldn't get boring considering I'm not that sound with English slangs, idioms and proverbs.
But, now with the recognition I'm getting here, I'm kind of motivated to write more. Thank you everyone. I must admit SN is the best community and for me ~booksAndarticles is a great territory. All the posts from all my fellow stackers are very inspiring and thoughtful.
Thanks @siggy47 and thank you to every stacker who took time to read my post.