The problem is that Biden, Hillary, Clinton and all others are even more criminal. But they work for the deep state, Trump is working for his own interests and is not part of the cabal.
Trump at least started no war. He only fired one missle to show strength.
Obama that got the nobel price for peace started the most wars:
Libyan War of 2011 and civil war of 2014 (The richest country in africa is still at war) This war destroyed the african union and created the biggest refugee crises this planet has ever seen.
War against ISIS in Syria, Libya, Yemen, and other nations. In fact they were supporting terrorists to fight these "regimes"and bombed regular armys and governments. Look at Syria, they bombed assad, not the terrorists,
War in Mali to help the french take control
War in Uganda to kill a terrorist (Joseph Kony)
War in Yemen
War in Somalia.
Still the most people think Obama is a good person and Trump not. What the hell is wrong with mainstrem media and the most people?
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Trump has been a horrible person his whole life. He has stiffed tons of contractors that worked on his properties and.casinos, even venues where he has held rallies he hasn't paid the tab..
He hates women and thinks they're only good for their looks. This man walked into the dressing room unannounced when he opened the Teen USA paegant, with 14-17 year old girls in there.
He's spoken horribly and disrespectfully of our war heros and those that died while fighting for our country, calling them losers and suckers.(that's on audio btw, just like the Hollywood access tape.)
He has stated in his own words on video and audio the same rhetoric that was spewed by Hitler in Mein Kampf TWICE. He also said he would be with an autocrat he obviously idolizes and aspires to be like in Putin doing whatever the hell he wants to NATO countries and says he wouldnt send troops to defend them. Do we all forget that every NATO country was involved in the war on terror following 9/11 aand had our backs? When we went to war, so did every NATO country.
Im not going to go on, but you say Trump isn't a bad person and you project and deflect. I never mentioned Obama. You don't even know my opinion of him you just assumed. That's what your side does. Anytime someone has legitimate concerns or facts/data making Trump look like the piece of shit he is, you deflect and accuse the other side of some crazy conspiracy you can't prove. You're nothing short.of a cult. Please do what good cult members do when their leader is going down and turn those guns you love so much on yourselves.
Every U.S President in history is a war criminal, that's a fact. But keep on going with those Qanon deep state conspiracies. Let's see some evidence and facts. Let me guess, they're all sex traffickers too right?! 🤪