That's what I was going to comment.
Are they too dumb to learn or are they just evil?
It's not evilness nor stupidity, is not even greed alone, we all have that impulse. It's the absolute power that has been placed on them by the people. People demands from them to be overlords, and they gladly comply. It's impossible for them to be hold accountable for any wrongdoing, they are fully supported by the entire state apparatus, and any socialistic movement is met with appalling political success. What other thing could happen? I have even seen politicians on those spheres moving along with the soviet trend even against their own will, for they understand the consequences, but because it's the only thing politically viable. My greatest lesson in my years in politics is that a stupid population gets what it deserves, no more, no less.
I was just being glib, but I appreciate the thoughtful response.
good perspective. thanks for the contribution. thinking about it...