I see! These things happening with almost every bigger and richer neighbourhood country. Ours is such relation with Nepal and Bhutan that anyone from these countries can come to India, live here, earn here, and if he wants can stay forever here.
With Bangladesh and Myanmar, we have a long standing issue of illegal migrants coming to our soil. Can you believe that we have so many smaller cities consisting only illegal Bangladeshi migrants?
Can you believe that India is an abode of more than 50 million illegal immigrants now? It's a rule of thumb here that for 1 person caught as illegally entered into India, there are already 10 more people who enter the land.
I understand your sarcasm but I also understand the seriousness of what we're exactly talking about. We have started with terrorism.
I believe that India and US are exactly same when it comes to holding true to the core values of a democratic country. There are certainly many other countries with democracy but none of them are as big as India and US.
So, our views on terrorism must align. India has witnessed so much of terrorism ever since becoming a free nation, that I have to be serious while talking about it. I'm also serious about it because I had seen a young kid's body parts being flung due to a bloody bomb tied to his body. And these bastards say they do 'kurbani' on the name of God (Allah) and 'Jihad'.