He posted in the Bitcoin territory and used Wallet of Satoshi as an example
We already determined this should have been posted to ~lol because his point is ridiculous
I hardly conceded the point. I said suggesting that I post it in ~lol was a good comeback (which it was).
I do think we pretty much exhausted your line of reasoning. You don't believe ecash is any different than an SQL database.
While I agree that you can be rugged by the mint, I don't agree that the mint has the same level of insight into the ecash transactions that happen between users of the mint.
between users of the mint
Which we concluded was an appeal to mintstitutional use and has nothing to do with Bitcoin
No, we concluded that people do not discuss the minimum anonset (number of unique users) necessary for an ecash mint's claims about privacy to be true. And it would be good if they did.
Nor did I say ecash has nothing useful to do with bitcoin. It is not bitcoin but may be useful to bitcoin.
You may have concluded these things but I am not convinced by the arguments you presented.
Nor did I say ecash has nothing useful to do with bitcoin. It is not bitcoin but may be useful to bitcoin.
This is self-contradicting
The latter part is conditional, it's no more related or useful to Bitcoin than SQL is
I'm confused by what you are saying.
Do you think there is anything that is not bitcoin but is useful to it?
Yes, what I'm saying is that ECash is less useful than SQL
That's fine. I don't care whether it is less or more useful than SQL. I'm interested in what its uses might be. And whether we can do something with it that is good for freedom money.
It's useful for people that hate freedom money
But it's related to bitcoin. It's a way to scale bitcoin and make it easier to use between people who trust the same mint. Just like using bank notes instead of gold in the old days when bank notes were actually good.
Not any more than SQL is
Just like using bank notes instead of gold in the old days when bank notes were actually good.
They were never good, how exactly do you think we got central banking? By morons giving up their gold for bank notes.
Same will happen if we normalize mintstitutions over family nodes.
They were never good, how exactly do you think we got central banking? By morons giving up their gold for bank notes.
When banks actually would give you gold back they were good. They were easier to carry and exchange.
That's how the gold supply got captured
Mintstitutions will do the same
No they won't. I wouldn't put much bitcoin even in a trusted mint. I'd just put a part of my SPENDL at most.
Until all of a sudden your SPENDL wallet becomes your receiving wallet in the Lightning economy
If your too lazy to use Lightning now you won't switch after forming habits
We're talking global internet native means of exchange, not 50c here and there for zapping retards