I will push back and say this is not the first presidential race where candidates said anything they thought would get them votes. I do think Trumps shift on Bitcoin and crypto did sway the Dems to be less antagonist towards it but I don't think either party or candidate will care about Bitcoin or crypto the day after the election.
the finest theatrical shitshow
It is great entertainment. It's just too bad the cost is so high.
Cost? For who? Ah for the losers paying taxes and donate to politicians? I am not one of those...
It is great entertainment
I do not see it entertaining at all. Is more like a pathetic act for fools. Bugle was right, Trump won the best actor prize https://www.bugle.news/donald-trump-wins-oscar-for-convincing-libertarian-party-he-is-pro-freedom/
Actually, I was thinking of the pile of corpses as the cost of the show. That's not us either, but it's still pretty terrible.
I agree, with one caveat: Trump may continue supporting crypto just because it enrages Pocahontas.
This is true. He might be the only person who holds on to a grudge harder than @siggy47