With all my interaction with the Cricket pool today I have been thinking about something.
In some ways I feel like we are now the veterans on the team and we are helping develop a new crop of future all stars in the guys like crytosensei, coinsreporter, etc that will be at the top of the league soon (top 10 leaderboard) and while investing in developing them now might actually hurt our current overall "value" score it will bear fruit in the long term as we will turn them into all stars (top value stackers) which in turn will help us win as well because their frequent interactions with us will boost our value scores when they are also all stars.
This is of course not an intentional strategy but a happy benefit of not staying in the top stackers, top posts echo chamber.
I've been thinking about that lately as well.
It crossed my mind when I was writing about the value of being authentic and was chatting with someone about how supporting the peripheral territories might pay of long-term.