I went through a very similar learning experience. I was basically acting like a bitcoin news aggregator and posting anything and everything that I thought might be of interest.
At some point, I realized that it's a lot better to focus on the discussions and I began only posting stuff that I would like to discuss with others who are interested. Maybe no one is interested and the post goes unnoticed. No biggie.
What's most brilliant about the rewards system is that it allows the site to be really dynamic. As long as you're engaging with the community, you can stack rewards, so engage in the way that you find most fulfilling. As people do that, the site grows and adapts to each new community member.
We all need to be more clear and concise when saying this to newbies!
I think there’s a natural cycle where a new person figures this out and takes the initiative to articulate it. In doing so other new stackers are exposed to it. A few months ago it was @cryotosensei and a few months before that it was me.
This may just be something that each generation of Stackers has to learn for themselves.
Looking back it makes me feel like a fool. I still have a lot to learn. Thanks for the knowledge.
You figured it out faster than I did.