The Number Zero and Bitcoin ⁹ is still one of my favourite Bitcoin articles, and despite Breedlove's wordsaladism, I will keep recommending it to people
Please don't recommend word salads to people. The article is bullshit starting from the misconception that Babylonians couldn't write any number from 60 and above - they actually could and used a positional system with base 60, they even had a zero digit (not the same as a zero number) but their problem was dropping the trailing zeros.
because Bitcoin and morals have absolutely no relationship other than the one YOU think it has.
I'm not sold on that yet. There is a connection via time preference which is often cited by everyone including Jimmy Song: a lot of morality is about lowering your time preference and one of the purposes of fiat as described by its proponents is increasing your time preference. Consider this from (written by the Bitcoin pioneers from El Salvador):
Hope House's leaders realized that education alone wasn't enough. A human can fill their head with knowledge to attain external success, but to truly thrive, a human needs real purpose. One cannot adopt a low time-preference mindset without pondering eternity and why we are here on Earth. Underlying everything Hope House does is a belief that God designed us with an innate desire for love and connection. Roman likes to describe this as a "love tank"—everyone has one, and filling it is crucial so we're better people when we grow up. A full love tank enables empathy, which enables better families and communities, and the effect compounds and cascades.
Also central to Hope House's notion of spirituality is God, or the idea that there is some superior being out there listening to us and helping us. Everyone should try to connect with this power and harness it on a regular basis.
Practically, Hope House nurtured kids' spirituality through activities like surfing, meditation, and yoga.
I'm not saying that the connection surfing - spirituality - Bitcoin is hereby strongly established nor am I saying that feeding children with word salads about God is a-ok. However, the connection between spirituality and Bitcoin already exists at least as a historic fact, and so you need more than one fallen guy to disprove it.
This is also an arbitrary connection, remember that morals are subjective, what's moral to some is immoral to others, an easy example to understand is that of women breasts, in europe it is completely normal for women to go around topless in public beaches and community swimming pools, but in America (north, central and south, the whole continent applies this rules) a woman could get fined with public indecency because "it's immoral to be naked in public places", or we could also use a historical example such as that one of the Inquisition, they were all Christians but on the name of their saint cause it was completely moral to ignore completely the mandate "You won't kill" when it came to sins, they all should have been punished to death and the moral framework of the church was enough justification.
One could make the case that hard money in generals let's you focus on the things you like such as your own moral framework, but it's not something that comes with one, is Bitcoin fair money? You bet, is it better money? Of course! But we give it this definitions from our own understanding of fair and better.
I'd be sure that there's some Ethereum maxi out there talking about ETH and spirituality and how it's like water because water is the element of change and Ethereum always changes, thus being a the most moral money because their morla framework is that of constant change.
One could make the case that hard money in generals let's you focus on the things you like such as your own moral framework
I think this is actually all that is said. By saying that Bitcoin is Christian money Jimmy Song didn't mean "as opposed to Buddhist money" for example, for him Christianity is simply the familiar moral framework.
For example I can detect that your solution to the question of how could this happen:
Now, how does a person who's considered a philosopher, a good example of American right wing traditionalism, and a Bitcoin influencer, become FIAT AF ¹⁰ out of seemingly nowhere? Simple, he always was this kind of person,
is basically the same one that John came up with (1 John 2:19):
They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.
So I can say that your approach is similar to the Christian aproach. However I don't mean "as opposed to the Buddhist approach" because I simply have no idea what would Buddha say in this situation.
This only proves my point, Bitcoin is not moral or immoral, it simply aligns whit people's moral frameworks, and moral frameworks are arbitrary.
if moral frameworks are arbitrary then your criticisms do not make sense because that implies Breedlove did nothing wrong, he was just following a different moral framework, all of which (if you are right) are arbitrary, none better than the others
Criticism of someone or something for "bad" behavior only makes sense if some moral framework is not arbitrary
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @om 27 May
OK, when you put it like that I can agree. Wow, we actually had a reasonable conversation over the internet. What a rare sight.