Today, most contracts and business is specified is defined in US dollars, even bitcoin-paid contracts specify value 100% in dollars. In some unknown amount of time, every agreement in the world will specify payments in terms of an amount of bitcoin.
While bitcoin is undergoing monetization, it cannot be used in contracts, for all parties go bankrupt from volatility. If the dollar is used in some way as it nears total demonetization, all parties go bankrupt from volatility as well (as an aside, this makes it obvious why privacy shitcoins are all worthless shitcoins). So it should be fairly clear that what we are looking at is a literal SINGULARITY. The division by fiat going to zero is literally a singularity.
So many people have ideas about economics, which are all fine and dandy, but what you have is GENERAL RELATIVITY, which fails in singularities (black holes). Psychologically, bitcoiners have created a blank spot in their mind that they have filled in and managed to ignore. This is no different than the blindspot that you have in your visual system, or the way leftists manage to perform all sorts of mental gymnastics. I am trying to get you to become aware of it with this prompt.
Understanding a singularity is the most interesting study in economics, for it is the equivalent in physics of a Grand Unified Theory. A planetary civilization only has one such singularity, for all other monetary transition across metals and fiat are always too gradual to be considered a singularity.
My assertion is that I have far and away the best understanding of the singularity economics, but not due to any special insight or brilliance, but by virtue of seemingly being the only person to have bothered thinking about it. I see it as akin to going from nocoiner to bitcoiner in deciding to think about money, which most people simply never bother to do. Here is the latest thing I wrote on the matter:
I welcome anyone else who wishes to understand the singularity and the actual nature of bitcoinization beyond the facile NGU and MOE components to chime in. What cogent explanation of how a transition occurs can you put forward? Do you imagine a single day n-1 in which all contracts are in terms of USD, and then on the following day, hyperbitcoinization, and everyone goes into work and renegotiates all contracts to adjust them in terms of bitcoin? Or do you imagine that at some point, say $1m/btc, an automotive company will specify a 3 year supply contract with their engine supplier in terms of bitcoin?
Explain yourself! Not to me, but to yourself -- you will detect your own idiocy in the half-baked things you realize you never actually thought about.