Oh I'm open to new ideas, and I'll never judge you for what you say or write. You're free to believe whatever you like or your circumstances and experiences allow you to.
And this is definitely not a way to disrespect territory owners or kill their ideas. Maybe just a way to actually incentivize them to take action and maintain a stand-up for it. Following and getting inspired by others, that's why I took the time to mention all of them.
Some reason I've felt rejected by some of my ideas. So I stopped posting into booksandarticles of articles that I post on Nostr. I could never get feedback in that territory, so I just stopped altogether trying there. Personal_finace has outright banned me from posting there because I have XMR in a poll in there. It's disheartening.
The only idea that took hold was obsidian, and my intro to Nostr guide
That sucks! I agree SN community should be more open, especially the goal it's acquiring more users and have more constructions conversations. Anyhow, SN has born as bitcoin-only community and that's something newcomers like you should also understand. There's a reason why is set in this way and you should make an effort to understand it.
In the other side, no one stop you to create a territory to discuss anything non-bitcoin related, if you call it ~altcoins it would be probably successfull! and as owner, you'll be free to ban anyone that talks about bitcoin... because in fact there are many territories for that.
Something I constantly see is how unrelated contents get posted in whatever territory, just to get some traction or because of cheaper fees. @k00b @ek outlaw posts is not enough , and t will be nicer to have more moderation tools
I'm not disputing it as a bitcoin only. But this has some serious limitations to some users that might want to talk about other stuff. I think Bitcoin is kool, but I also think smart contracts are cool too. I think Thorchain is wicked, you could park your BTC there and earn a yield saving account or borrow against your Bitcoin(still new) 0% interest free loan. It's putting Defi in your hands, essentially.
The majority of stackers here know about that story and are probably tried to hear it. That's why I'm suggesting you to create a dedicated territory for it.
you're killing me smalls!
you mind as well sentence me to death on the darkstar!