@Public_N_M_E summed it up,
TLDR be prepared to bleed sats for something you're passionate about, don't get into this for the money, there isn't any 🤣
I think most founders knew this going in, but me especially. I didn't care about UFOs until 2023, so I was assuming almost all stackers were still at the "couldn't care less, not interested" stage. That's fine, ~UFOs will be here whenever people's interest gets piqued.
I'm trying to do two things with the territory, informing bitcoiners about UFOs and informing "UFOers" about bitcoin, and probably being labelled 'crazy' by both communities lol, that's fine, but someone has to do it. Stuff is about to get real weird.
As far as territory fees, the quicker you pay off the territory the quicker you can start making your sats back :)
Sometimes I say something with value 💪💪 🤣