The crisis for single males is that we’ve neglected to actually be men! Take charge, be strong, have manners, be a leader, fight when you have to, slay the dragon and get the girl!!
Neglected? There's no reason [in the West].
What do you think the right age for a man to purchase a house?
What do you think about the right age of females go buy a house?
As single, I bought my first house when I was only 21. Thanks to my mom and dad for investing on my name from my early childhood. When I cashed out that investment. It was large enough to but me a house in my town
Then it's not adequate to say that you bought the house, your parents did.
No. Not adequate as my parents were saving that money for my marriage expenses and I decided to remain single.
"As single, I bought my first house when I was only 21. Thanks to my mom and dad for investing on my name from my early childhood. When I cashed out that investment. It was large enough to but me a house in my town"
This was a typo then?
But was a typo there, sure.
But you said my parents did was wrong. Yes, j bought that house with the money that my parents had deposited in my account. And they wanted that money to be spent on my marriage. But me, on my dreams. And because that money had been deposited to my account, so technically that money was mine.
And because that money had been deposited to my account, so technically that money was mine.
Ah, you know what? Let's call it a day, this'll lead to nowhere.
Great question. There’s a lot of variables there obviously. I had my first house at 23 years old. Bought it for $300k back in 2009.
So, you're 38 years old now!!! Thanks for confirming. 😆
Hahaha. In Indian style sahi pakde hai.
Nope. I identify as a 25 yr old! 😂
looking back, is there anything you would change/advise/etc.?
I would’ve stayed in the house longer to build more equity into it. I’ve made money and got bigger houses every time I’ve bought one. I will say, you don’t NEED a huge house. There are so many rooms that don’t even get used. I wanted a big yard and got that and then my kids are too old now to actually enjoy apart from doing a little basketball and putting from the green I installed. I spend more time keeping up on it than anything.
Find a house that suites your needs in a city that you could see yourself living in for a long time with people that you can do life with. Something that won’t break the bank which is hard now with the interest rates.
I would’ve also set aside some of the equity after selling each house for my kids so that they would be prepared for this world.
Wow. Congratulations.