Recently I was looking to buy a hardware wallet and noticed that a few companies don't accept Bitcoin via the LN.
Companies that don't accept Bitcoin via LN.
  • Coinkite does accept Bitcoin but not via LN.
  • Blockstream doesn't seem to accept Bitcoin at all on their website.
Companies that do accept Bitcoin via LN
  • Bitbox
  • Foundation
However I see the Coldcard and Blockstream Jade recommended the most out of any hardware wallets for Bitcoin. How are outsiders supposed to take Bitcoin seriously when they go to buy a hardware wallet and can't even use Bitcoin to pay for the hardware wallet?
Bitkey, by Bitcoin Saint Dorsey, also cannot be purchased with Bitcoin...
31 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 18 May
You can buy a Jade with bitcoin or liquid. Not sure about LN
You’re right though. LN is the merchant layer. If you’re selling something it should be through LN
I bought a Jade using lightning some months ago.
Blockstream has a BTC pay server and you can choose to pay onchain or ln.
Blockstream does accept BTC.
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That reads like AI generated text
fandango sharp as always
I looked around and it was gone… something I said?
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 18 May
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Their lazy attitude in favour of ‘hacks’ and ‘time-saving’ are the apotheosis of Homo Fiatus..
Looks like Blockstream does accept BTC via LN and on the main chain, I missed that.
make your own, KISS.
I actually already have. However AFAIK most of the DIY options still don't support miniscript :(
Yes same with websites and other stores that only accept Btc on chain .. doesn’t make sense for me
Although It seems to me that Blockstream accepts bitcoin, I guess the issue you raised is reasonable and I saw this kind of issues too at some local events and bitcoin-focused meetups. Bitcoiners are not spending their bitcoin usually, so I guess that is where the friction is.
How are outsiders supposed to take Bitcoin seriously when they go to buy a hardware wallet and can't even use Bitcoin to pay for the hardware wallet?
Outsiders have no Bitcoin to spend.
Everyone was an outside once. Imagine a situation where someone has no BTC, reads a book like the bitcoin standard and starts their journey by buying BTC on an exchange and then wants to use said BTC to buy a hardware wallet.
IMO it would look very bad to that person that the hardware provider doesn't itself accept BTC.
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