Oh really... So there wasn't in the past couple years MASSIVE discrimination against people who didn't want to tie a rag over their mouth and nose? And people who didn't want to inject an experimental substance in their arms?
I think AJ is like an anti-darthcoin. Both can have irrationally passionate takes lol.
AJ is the most entertaining character on SN, either a well trained bot meant to make us laugh very bad or a perfectly brainwashed soul who somehow got lost on a bitcoin post. Keep them going my popcorn is always ready
I assure you I am not a bot. @AimanJarrar on Twitter.
hahahaha I have to aggree it is entertaining xD
No there wasn't. Masks worked and the vaccine works and has saved millions of lives. The vaccine also wasn't experimental, they have been working on vaccines for corona viruses (which is a subtype of viruses, kinda like an animal species) since the 80s. All they had to do was tweak it for the specific strain (covid-19). I'm vaxxed four times and I am fine. And it's not about you, that's what you selfish fucks fail to comprehend. It's about those who medically can't wear masks or get vaxxed and protecting them from catching a virus that has a much higher chancr of killing them.