This viewpoint is terrible. One side works for everyone and is out here trying to make our country better and catch up with the rest of the first world. We are far behind in every category that truly makes a country great. The other side wants to pull us back into the 1800s and keep the wealthiest from paying their fair share. Both sides ARE NOT the same. Not even cloee
You talking about the side that started the kkk? They just wised up and flipped the grift and say what they think people want to hear. Also the "bills" they pass are all loaded with pork to fatten the family coffers. It is basically akin to professional wrestling. Fake and a show to keep the peasants happy. Reminds me of the meme of the king talking to his advisor overlooking the mad peasants. The advisor said. "You just need to make the pitchfork people hate the torch people and your problems go away" We are at that point they make us focus on each other and not them.