Oh so you enjoy wondering how long it's.ggoing to take.for your TX to confirm, if it even ever will? You enjoy having to pay expensive fees to transact (compared to other ways to make.payments in the world) and having those fees be so volatile you can't ever accurately predict them? You enjoy not being able to charge back a transaction if you get ripped off? Need I go on? And I realize a lot.of this is fixed via lightning but lightning has its own set of issues that need.to be addressed.
Actually, from a technical perspective I do enjoy trying to figure it out. From a user perspective, I'd like for there to be no money at all and wish I could get anything I want delivered instantly. Obviously this can't be realized because the real world has costs, so I have to pick and choose what I want based on what I can access and afford.
Just like every decision in my everyday life, Bitcoin has made tradeoffs. It isn't the fastest way to purchase most products (lightning network aside), but it is the fastest way to do so in a decentralized manner that is near impossible to reverse given enough confirmations. That is a metric important to me.