Cashapp, venmo, PayPal, debit cards (no fee to the purchaser), and ultimately cold hard cash. Why would anyone choose Bitcoin over these.methods on cost tx alone? Then add in the fact you have to wait (on the blockchain) an indefinite amount of time for your TX to confirm, which, there's no guarantee it ever will in reality.
It’s never free my friend. Or you are the product. They all have fees but indirectly. Who fixes prices? Venmo works for free? You don’t pay nothing or is it because you don’t know about it? I mean every transaction is followed carefully by Google and others… They don’t work for free. Cash is the same thing but with government + who pays for printing money? Paper and all the security related to it is definitely not “free”. Product need to be built and middle men need to be paid and more. Without even talking about inflation in lot of countries affecting their “hard” cash economies.
I won’t talk bitcoin on chain as you do because I don’t see the point of using it. I save value in it. I use bitcoin off chain for my everyday life. I mean it’s easy, open, low cost and worldwide. Use any wallet you want and enjoy using it.
I definitely recommend you to check @darthcoin website and testing more of the different options before making any fast and easy statement. Enjoy your day
You people need to stop implying that Darth and I don't know each other. I've been here since the begining. Darth is a pompous asshole who thinks he's a god and wants you people to worship him. Stop giving him what he wants. I know how Bitcoin works and Darth and I go way back, the day he personally attacked me simply for not blindly believing in his opinions was the day I knew what he really is. He pushes more people away from Bitcoin than he brings on board with his arrogance and his disdain for other crypto currencies that have better features than Bitcoin. He can't accept the reality that Bitcoin is not flawless. STOP WORSHIPPING HIM.