I think I get what you're trying to say if we;re on a bitcoin standard and deflation continues to compound those smaller transactions will be valuable in real terms and sure that could be a possibility
But even if everything is priced in sats the network itself will price out certain transactions based on the fees, no sense in making transactions where the fees eats away your entire transaction and leaves you with dust as change,
In that world we would be competing with the entire world for block space so it likely won't come cheap even if you are willing to wait
I guess we have to get to that future first :) I think we will find the market dictating value a whole lot more accurately... things that are important and basic needs will be the least valuable (this might include electricity, shelter, water, basic foods, health care....) and things that are more "wants" will be more valuable (appliances, specialized robots, art, certain tools...) who knows really...but my guess would be the electricity, compute, information/data will be among the least expensive at that point....