When we first moved to the town we live there was a small cafe on the main street "downtown" for sale and my wife wanted to buy it. I was dead set against it. I had just spent 15 years running a business and I was a bit burnt out. Ultimately it was the best decision because I wasn't in the right frame of mind to take on another business at the time.
But I sometimes think about it with regret. I could have made it the first business in town that accepts bitcoin, could have hosted meets ups and "educational nights", my wife and son (eventually) could have worked on the business with me.
I often check the local businesses for sale listings looking for a business that I think I would enjoy running and could be successful at that I could turn into a bitcoin business.
I have the itch to do the same thing. I'm hoping there might be some local guys who own businesses who show up tomorrow night. Getting a little circular economy going would be great. @Simaan used to have meetups at his deli years ago. I am pretty sure he would like to make it a regular thing.
That's great.
I am hopeful that over the next decade as bitcoiners gain a lot of wealth and maybe don't need to work fiat jobs anymore that we spend our time and energy fruitfully helping to grow the circular economy, adding more bitcoin businesses to the map etc.