My mom not only took care of me, but she taught me and my brother how to take care of ourselves. She taught us to cook and clean. Although my wife takes care of all the cooking and cleaning in my household now, but I'm still able to step in and take over when she goes on vacation.
I remember being in my late teens and my parents would be out of town and I would call my mom. I am making this for dinner, what do I do? or I am doing the laundry, what detergent do I use and how much? Do I separate the whites and colours? I can't find xyz, where is it? She should have lost it on me because she had probably gone over all this 5 times with me but of course she didn't and talked me through the stuff I wasn't sure how to do.
Your mom is very patient, kudos to her. My mom would probably have told me to figure it out and hung up on me. But then again, she makes me and my brothers do house chores and help with cooking since 9 years old, so we never really needed her help when she was away when we were older.